Carob Powder ReviewsP.M.S. and Menstrual Cramping
On average a person should drink � their weight in ounces of water per day. For example, a person weighing 150 pounds should drink 75 oz per day, which is the equivalent to about, 9-10 glasses of water per day (assuming an 8 oz glass).
The quality of the water you drink is as important as the quantity of water you drink.
Ideally the water you drink should be alkaline water with a pH of 9-10. Alkaline water is LIVING WATER and is more easily absorbed into your body tissues. As such, alkaline water will help neutralize acids and remove any toxins from the body.
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P.M.S. and Menstrual Cramping
Bee Pollen
The vitamin B found in 70 pounds of beef
Definitely your vitamins are cheaper than 70 pounds of beef, 60 large oranges, and 5 pounds of peanut butter. So you�re making them feel like they are getting a great deal!
Sneaky Technique #4
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Bee Pollen
4)Yoga is also recommended for combating stress, as it relaxes the mind as muscular activity is increased.
5)Make changes in your diet such at cutting down on sugar or caffeine, which could be contributing to the problem. Of course, eating a balanced diet is vital, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and drinking lots of water will help concentration.
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E - Soy a-go-go. (Tools for green living: resources for eco-awareness and action).(Better Than Milk)(Brief Article)
Fri, 01 Mar 2002 08:00:00 GMT
March 1, 2002 -- Now you will never again have to be without your daily mug of soymilk! Better Than Milk powdered soy and rice milks come in a rich variety of...
E - Soy a-go-go. (Tools for green living: resources for eco-awareness and action).(Better Than Milk)(Brief Article)
Fri, 01 Mar 2002 08:00:00 GMT
March 1, 2002 -- Now you will never again have to be without your daily mug of soymilk! Better Than Milk powdered soy and rice milks come in a rich variety of...
Medical Update - Dispelling the carob myth
Fri, 01 Dec 1989 08:00:00 GMT
December 1, 1989 -- DISPELLING THE CAROB MYTH One of the many myths promoted by the so-called health food industry (most foods are healthy when eaten in the right...
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