What you eat is one of the biggest determinants of your coronary heart disease risk. A diet high in the eight foods below will go a long way to maintaining a healthy heart.
1) Garlic
Garlic contains powerful chemicals that have been shown to reduce cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of blood clots that can lead to heart attacks and strokes. It has been estimated that a clove of garlic a day is needed to obtain these health benefits. If the thought of eating a clove of garlic a day is too much for you, odorless garlic capsules can be purchased from most pharmacies and supermarkets.
2) Oats (Oat-meal and Oat-bran)
Oats are high in soluble fiber which have been shown in many studies to reduce your levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Research has shown that the higher your ratio of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) to LDL, the lower your risk of heart disease is. One cup of oatmeal a day provides enough dietary fiber to reduce your LDL cholesterol levels significantly.
3) Alcohol
Moderate consumption of Alcohol (up to two glasses a day) has been shown in most studies to reduce heart disease risk by between 20 percent and 40 percent compared to non-drinkers. Moderate Alcohol consumption has been associated with an increased ratio of HDL to LDL, thinner blood (leading to reduced blood clotting), reduced blood insulin levels and a reduction in arterial plaque build up. Heavy alcohol consumption however raises blood pressure and is associated with a greater risk of heart disease.
4) Oily Fish
Fish such as tuna, salmon, and sardines contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids which reduce heart disease risk by reducing blood pressure and increasing blood vessel elasticity. Medical experts recommend a minimum of 2 servings of fish a week to obtain the full benefit of omega-3, alternatively fish oil capsules can be taken.
5) Nuts such as Almonds, Walnuts, and Cashew Nuts
Nuts are rich in polyunsaturated fats and contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. A handful of nuts a day has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol by up to 20 percent.
6) Tomatoes and Tomato Products
Tomatoes, especially cooked tomatoes have high levels of Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. In a study of 40,000 women at the Harvard school of Public Health, women who consumed seven or more servings of tomato-based foods were 30 percent less likely to develop cardiovascular disease compared to those who consumed less than 1.5 servings. Women who ate more than ten servings a week were up to a massive 65 percent less likely to develop cardiovascular disease.
7) Green Tea
A Japanese study of over 400,000 individuals aged between 40 and 79 found that those people who consumed five or more cups of green tea a day were 26 percent less likely to die from heart disease. Researchers also found that the effect was stronger for women than men. Green tea is high in polyphenols which are powerful antioxidants that are also found in most berry fruit, apples, celery, broccoli and parsley.
8) Spinach
Spinach is an excellent source of Vitamins A, C, and K and is also an excellent source of Folate. Folate helps the heart by reducing homo-cysteine levels in the blood. High homo-cysteine levels are associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular disease.
Article Tags: blood, disease, heart
Labels: Raw Food Specialists
Organic Kelp Reviews and information
Organic KelpThe Secrets Of Pomegranate For Prostate Health Revealed
Pomegranate originates from Punica granatum tree. People have used it for medicine for centuries. Many small scale studies demonstrate its effectiveness against prostate cancer. Because of its richness of anti-inflammatories and anti-oxidants, it can reduce cell damage caused by free radicals and destroy cancerous cells. The effectiveness of pomegranate for prostate health has to be examined from its substances, the ideal consumption and side effects. Studies show that either in juice or extract form, pomegranate shows positive results in slowing down the growth of prostate cancer. It contains phytoestrogens, estrogen-like plant substances that are effective in fighting cancer. However, for now, no studies can establish which form is more effective for prostate cancer. You should be cautious with pomegranate juice as it contains calories and fructose. It is not healthy for overweight people. So, take pomegranate extract supplement instead since it contains less calories and zero fructose. At this time, researchers have no idea how much needs to be taken for it to be effective. According to a UCLA report, drinking a glass of pomegranate juice daily may stop prostate cancer from recurring. This conclusion is derived from a test on 50 prostate cancer sufferers. Their prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels doubled after surgery or radiation therapy which exposed them to the risk of dying from cancer. After drinking one eight-ounce glass of pomegranate juice daily, the average time taken for the antigen to double extended to 54 months from 15 months. This means that pomegranate juice can stabilize the PSA levels for a longer period of time during which a patient receives the treatment for prostate cancer. So far, no unfavorable toleration or side effects have been reported from its consumption. Though most small-scale studies indicate its prowess in stopping the progress of prostate cancer, it doesn't suggest that you should be drinking pomegranate juice. It may look like a wonder drug. As you can see, all the previous studies are only preliminary and limited. For prostate health, it can be an addition to your other supplements. More larger and extensive studies should be planned to investigate the miraculous healing power of pomegranate. Some day, it may help senior men to survive from prostate cancer.
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Rio Amazon Pau D'arco Capsules Reviews and information
Did you hear of Health
HealthWhat do you need to know about senior's health
As one progresses in age, he retreats in health or fitness. Though senior citizens are counseled to stay fit, it is barely the case like. Numerous natural transformations occur in the body as it moves towards fragility. For instance, the bones and muscles lose their potential reducing the stamina of the body, the kidneys and other internal organs start malfunctioning and the vigor of the skin recedes.
But the fact is that health is wealth at every stage of life. It is more crucial when one enters into the senior citizens category because there are few caretakers in those times. So, the elderly should concentrate on fitness as much as possible. There are quite a few ways in which the aged can enjoy a good physical and mental health.
1. Health Insurance- it is the first and foremost requirement of every senior citizen. A medical insurance is the greatest friend in the time of need. It can provide you and your family the financial aid in worst times of your life.
But one should be pretty careful in purchasing a health care policy. The plan that facilitates maximum benefits should be taken up.
2. Diet and Exercise- the diet of individual varies with the age along with other factors. But at an older age, a person should be extra careful in matters of eating. This is because, the antibodies or the immunity system receives a setback in this age and one becomes more prone to all sorts of illnesses. The diet therefore should be thriving in vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. Fats should be strictly avoided as they make one susceptible to numerous diseases particularly heart problems. There must be an extra intake of calcium to support the diluting bones.
But a rich diet is not enough. Some exercises should be a part of daily routine in this age. Individuals need to be extra cautious about movements of their limbs for the natural strength and the disease fighting ability of the body keeps on retiring in older ages.
3. Those who have a family history of ailments like prostrate and colon cancer, the diseases that most likely hit men in fifties and above, should get regular medical check ups done. They must follow the doctor's advice and all the injunctions and prohibitions.
4. Women are more likely to be affected by breast cancer. They also are vulnerable to other diseases due to menopause. Though the course of destiny can never be averted yet prevention should never be ignored. There are some medicines that women should take after menopause in order to minimize the risk factor.
5. Alzheimer's disease and Dementia are even threatening for women. The former is a fall in certain cognitive brain functions. It is a type of dementia. Dementia impedes an individual's intellectual functioning and capability to work. These diseases mostly affect women in sixties and above that. Such women gradually become forgetful and incompetent in doing skilful work.
As soon as some of these symptoms are evident, doctor should be consulted without delay. Drugs at early stage might stop the situation from worsening.
6. Avoid stress. Stress is as harmful as any other contagious disease. Don't stoop to drugs so called stress busters. Consult a psychiatrist if conditions run out of control.
About the Author
Mansi gupta writes about seniors health
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