Tuesday, December 16, 2008

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Start with a three to five minute warm-up and then five minutes into your walk you do your first interval, one minute of faster walking. At the end of that minute you should be out of breath and ready to slow down. Slow down to your regular walking speed for the next four minutes and then your fifth minute is another one minute interval. Repeat this throughout your workout.
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Rose Hips

Freeplay Rechargeable Radios

The treatments themselves are a source of spiritual experience for Sharlene as well. �During the treatments,� she says,� I have amazing visions of Divine Intelligence working on the client to heal, using technology never seen before. The Blue Matrix moves through the body of the client showing me where there is a problem and I see them working on it to heal the area. Many times I see the body rise to the earth�s grid and get �plugged in,� so to speak, for healing purposes. During the final hand position and at the highest frequency I often experience the presence of the Divine. I feel so privileged to be doing this work.�

How did Sharlene get involved with Blue Matrix? She was introduced to this healing therapy by its founder, Barbra Hudson of British Columbia, at an annual meeting of the Canadian Reiki Association in Toronto.
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Freeplay Rechargeable Radios

HealingChildren's Nutrition- Healthy Restaurant Dining for Kids

Whether you are dining out with your children or grandchildren, it is important to know how to make good fast food and restaurant choices. Children love to eat out, but the growing numbers of overweight and obese children mean that adults need to take more responsibility for proper nutrition, and more importantly, help children make good choices.

Nearly one-third of children eat fast food every day, and those children who do eat fast food tend to consume more calories on a daily basis. These increased calories lead to increased pounds and add to the child's risk of becoming overweight. These facts make it all the more important to think about making healthy choices.

Although it might be hard to persuade your youngster to order a salad instead of a cheeseburger, you can steer them towards healthier options. Following are some important things to remember about fast food and restaurant dining for kids:

Drink milk or water ? Soda is highly caloric and not nutritious. Kids should have water or milk instead.

Avoid chicken nuggets ? Fried nuggets are sorry imposters of real chicken. Try to steer them towards something that is not fried.

Skip the fries - Consider taking along a bag of mini carrots, grapes or other fruits and vegetables to have instead. This will add vitamins and fiber to the meal.

Order the kids meal with some substitutions ? Children often love the kid's meal more for the fun box and toys than for the food. Let them order the kid's meal, but ask to make substitutions for the soda and the fries if possible. Many restaurants are making it easier to substitute and most offer water and milk as beverage options.

Opt for meals with less fat ? In sit-down restaurants, help them select chicken and vegetables or spaghetti with tomato sauce rather than a big plate of macaroni and cheese.

Setting some guidelines for children to follow when eating out will teach them how to make healthy choices as adults.

Hilary Basile is a writer for MyGuidesUSA.com. At http://www.myguidesusa.com , you will find valuable tips and resources for handling life?s major events. Whether you?re planning a wedding, buying your first home, anxiously awaiting the birth of a child, contending with a divorce, searching for a new job, or planning for your retirement, you?ll find answers to your questions at http://www.MyGuidesUSA.com. Find tips and resources on nutrition, children?s nutrition, diets and weight loss, weight management and more at http://www.myguidesusa.com/dietandnutrition/

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