Friday, December 19, 2008

Recent information on Raw Food Websites

Prevent Poisonings this Holiday Season - EVLiving

Fri, 19 Dec 2008 22:10:06 GMT

Prevent Poisonings this Holiday Season
EVLiving - 20 minutes ago
Wash your hands before and after food preparation to prevent the spread of food-borne illness. Washing is especially important before and after handling raw ...

August 2008 Archives -

Mon, 15 Dec 2008 23:58:00 GMT
I was disappointed by the speech. Your mileage may vary, of course. But it was basically standard Democratic Convention Boilerplate: nothing we haven't seen before from Obama, or ...

Alfalfa Tablets and Alfalfa Powders
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Wheatgrass TabletsSprouts, wheatgrass and my 81 year young raw vegan mother!

Wed, 05 Nov 2008 23:30:48 EDT
... chlorella tablets 6 ozs. wheatgrass (implant)...

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Dr Wheatgrass Supershots Reviews and info

Topics on Dr Wheatgrass SupershotsGift Certificates

Are You Getting Enough Vitamins And Minerals From Your Fruit And Vegetables?

Walking into any of your neighborhood supermarket, you will see rows and rows of fresh, nice and colorful vegetables and fruits for sale. They all look fresh and in healthy bright colors, no holes in vegetables, and you might be saying ''wow look how fresh these vegetables are!'' Happily you bought some of them home, thinking how healthy you can be eating all these vegetables. But do you know these vegetables might not contain as much vitamins and minerals as you thought? In fact, you might still suffer from malnutrition even though you got vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Indeed, current vegetables and fruits you buy may not be as nutritious as it used to be many years back. For economic reasons, farmers have to harvest their crops many times a year on their farm without giving the land resting periods. Over a certain time, the exhausted land lost the minerals required for the growth of the vegetables. Due to over-cultivation on the same piece of land, farmers have no choice but to put barely enough minerals back into the land using lots of chemical fertilizers.
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Gift Certificates

L'Equip Model 528 Dehydrator

One of the most important concepts in Traditional Chinese Medicine is that of �Qi� (pronounced chee) which is the Chinese word for energy. Disease occurs when a person�s Qi is out of balance and therefore Chinese Medicine is about balancing Qi. This means that if there is too much Qi, the excess is reduced; too little and the deficiency is enhanced; uneven, and the Qi is more evenly distributed.
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L'Equip Model 528 Dehydrator

Superfood Testimonials

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Lori Matthews studies health, nutrition and wellness. She enjoys writing articles on health for both people and pets. Please visit for more information.
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Superfood Testimonials

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