Sunday, March 09, 2008

Recent information on Muira Puama

Holistic HealingSome Food For Thought-Is Your Diet Killing You!

I must admit that I don't usually write articles with such a chilling headline, so I feel that I should give a little background on a relatively innocent experience which prompted me to write this piece.

I would also say quite candidly that there is nothing really new in the main context of it, in fact most probably, everyone is concious of these facts in some way or another.

What I really do wonder though, is just exactly how many of us are actually making any real attempt to seriously look after ourselves, healthwise that is!

I live in Central Scotland in the UK, and according to statistics, we have one of the highest mortality rates from such things as coronary heart disease, strokes, obesity, etc, etc, and I often wonder why this should be the case!

Of course many things are contributory factors to this, and I am no medical expert, but there is one very important factor involved which I have studied extensively, and that is diet!

In Scotland we are renowned for our love of deep-fried foods such as fish and chips, pies, takeaway meals, our alcohol consumption, and so on. Every region of the Western world has its favourite "goodies" I suspect, so I am sure that you get the picture.

I must hand it to our Health Authorities however, because for some considerable time now there has been an extensive and on-going campaign of Health Education, including some excellent TV and Radio ads, outdoor billboards, and similar such things.

It was one of the latter that really caught my eye recently, so much so, that I can't quite get the image out of my mind. It is a large billboard, which contains a graphic picture of a human heart with two giant grey hands sueezing the life out of it. Very very effective,(at least I thought so),my congratulations go to the person who devised it!

This was the spur that prompted this article, and as I said at the beginning, there is nothing really new in it, but I think it bears repeating nonetheless. Life is a precious gift, and although we are not immortal, there are many many things that we can do to prolong it, and preserve our health.

As far as diet is concerned therefore, here are some of the important ones again:-

Cut down on the fat,and cut down on the carbs.

You've heard the popular advice on weight loss diets. Cut thefat! Cut the carbs! Cut the calories! Eat a balanced diet! But how can you cut though all of the confusion, and eat a diet that is balanced and healthy. Not always easy is it! Here is some advice from nutritional science,which might help.

Cut down on the junk fats.

Most people do not need an ultra low fat diet, but most of us could improve our diet by cutting out the junk fats. These are processed fats, hydrogenated fats, polyunsaturated oils that have been heated, and fats that are combined with junk carbohydrates. Processed fats are those fats most likely to put on flab and clog your arteries. We do all know this don't we!

Cut down on the junk carbohydrates

The majority of people do not need an ultra low carb diet, but unfortunately, many people who do go on a low fat diet continue to eat highly processed foods. They switch from processed high-fat foods to processed low-fat foods, and then when the food manufacturers create low fat foods, they tend to replace the fat with junk carbs.

These can actually pile on the pounds, because basically junk carbs are low-fiber carbs, like sugar, fructose (and all the other *oses), flour, cornstarch, fruit juice, and such. Yes, fruit juice is a junk carb too you know!

After all, how much fiber is there in fruit juice. Virtually none, simply because it's yet another junk carb. You would be better to eat the whole fruit instead, with its fiber intact.

Cut down on the junk calories.

Most people do not need an ultra low calorie diet, but just think what your diet could be like if you dropped the processed fats and the low-fiber carbs. You would then be eating mainly natural proteins, with lots of vegetables plus whole fruits, and the odds would be that you would be eating far fewer calories as well. That's the kind of calorie cutting most of us should be doing!

Make every attempt to eat a balanced natural foods diet.

By natural foods, we mean those kinds of foods that would have been eaten by our hunter-gatherer ancestors. They would have had lots of whole vegetable foods giving them vitamins and fiber for instance, and also moderate to small portions of meats, fish, seafood, and other animal and protein foods. These they would have grilled, stewed or baked, not deep fried! They would also have eaten small portions of fresh whole fruit in season, which is the diet on which the human race evolved!

So the next time you're about to order a meal with fries and a sugary soda, stop and think about how it could be improved. Replace the fries with a salad for example, and the soda with a mineral water say. It would probably surprise you, how much significant progress you have already made towards a healthier balanced meal.

Just simple sensible changes can work wonders!

When you are at home, look for recipes that use whole fresh foods, with a minimum of processing. Try and make sure that your meals include natural unprocessed foods, with lots of healthy vegetables, both cooked, and raw when in salads. Avoid processed fats and processed low-fiber foods.

Here is a little simple menu that I often use and enjoy.

Grilled fish with steamed green beans and peppers. Large mixed salad, dressed with small amounts of olive oil and,vinegar or lemon juice. Then a fresh fruit platter to finish off! A healthy balanced diet can actually be that simple you know!

Life is there to be enjoyed, but moderation in all things is the watchword in my opinion. I do hope this article has given you some food for thought however!

About the Author: Marie Gordon is Author and Publisher of "Your Fastest Way To Permanent Weight Loss" the complete solution to all your weight loss problems. You can find out more by visiting

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Another blog about Kelp

Flavors from the deep, and they're good for you - Los Angeles Times

Sat, 08 Mar 2008 06:58:19 GMT

Flavors from the deep, and they're good for you
Los Angeles Times, CA - Mar 7, 2008
In Nova Scotia, they dine on sea parsley, or dulse; in northeast Siberia they eat kelp harvested from the Bering Sea. It's a bit of a misnomer to call them ...

Newly Discovered Kelp - Tundra Drums

Fri, 07 Mar 2008 19:31:20 GMT

Newly Discovered Kelp
Tundra Drums, AK - Mar 7, 2008
The ocean surrounding a central Aleutian Island is home to a previously undiscovered species of kelp. Researchers from NOAA Fisheries, Kobe University and ...

Healthy Living: Simple steps to a better life

When you watch TV or read magazines you get the impression that most people spend their days as lean, mean exercise fanatics who compete in triathlons, eat tofu, and drink a gallon of rain water a day.

If you dont fit this profile, you are not alone. Consider:

  • Seven out of 10 American adults don't exercise regularly, despite the proven health benefits, according to a 2002 study based on more than 68,000 interviews for the National Center for Health Statistics.

  • 80 percent of people in the US older than 25 are overweight based on the body mass index (BMI), a national guideline computed through a combination of weight and heightaccording to a Harris Poll released in 2002.

  • According to the American National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (CDC), in 2000 the most common actual causes of death in the United States were tobacco (435,000), poor diet and physical inactivity (400,000), alcohol consumption (85,000).
  • The writing is on the wall poor diet and physical inactivity is about as dangerous as smoking.

    So, why dont we exercise and eat right?

    For most of us, the answer is: time. Exercise and diet take time away from our work, our families, our lives.

    Some of us have tried to fit exercise into our daily routines before and maybe even stuck with a program for a while, but finally saw too little gain for the effort and time it took.

    Heres the good news: a healthy lifestyle wont consume you like it might have years ago. The science of healthy living has come a long way in recent years. Consider:

  • Modest but regular exercise has proven to raise the bodys metabolic rate, so that you burn fat even when at rest.

  • New strategies of exercise and diet bring results much sooner than ever before, without drugs.

  • A healthy lifestyle isnt only about working out and cutting out foods you like. Its also about applying a balanced approach to all areas of your life. For example, studies show that you can lose weight by simply watching less television.

  • Realistic health improvement for real people

    We all know we should take better care of ourselves, but modern lifestyles with hectic work schedules, commuting, and family and social responsibilities make it difficult for us to live a healthy life.

    But you can begin to live a healthier life. You can start slowly and work in more healthy practices. Interestingly, even small changes can lead to big improvements over time. Begin modestly by making a commitment to starting to do something and to stay with it. As you proceed, remember to be proud of your accomplishmentsyou will be doing more than 70 percent of the population!

    The doctor will see you now

    Before embarking on a fitness program and making dietary changes, talk with your doctor about your plans. If you have prior health conditions, especially cardiovascular disease, your doctor may want you to avoid certain exercises. If you are on certain medications, your doctor may give you valuable information on avoiding drug interactions with certain foods such as grapefruit and with some herbal supplements.

    A special word to smokers

    If you smoke, you know you need to quit. Modern research links smoking to a vast array of cancers, as well as heart and cardiovascular disease. According to the American Cancer Society, smoking alone causes one-third of all cancer deaths.

    The bottom lineif you are a smoker, stopping represents the single best health action you can take. Talk with your doctorthere are new treatments available.

    Some basic health objectives

    It can be hard to know where to start when you want to improve your health.

    Here are three baseline objectives for a healthier lifestyle:

  • Lose weight / Eat a more balanced diet

  • Get more exercise

  • Reduce stress

  • Lose weight / Eat a more balanced diet

    Qualified health professionals agree the keys to losing weight are to eat less, eat a more balanced diet, and to increase your exercise level. In general, reducing your intake of protein and eating more fruits and vegetables is a good start. Try and reduce your intake of saturated fats common in fried foods. Your heart will thank you.

    Here are some tips:

    Eat a diet that contains lots of:

  • Whole grains

  • Fruit

  • Vegetables

  • Ensure you are getting an adequate supply of:

  • Vitaminsa daily multi-vitamin is good protection

  • Calciummany men and women do not get enough calcium in their diets, putting them at risk for osteoporosis.

  • Watermany adults do not consume enough water each day

  • Reduce your consumption of:

  • Fat

  • Sugar

  • Salt

  • Processed foods

  • Fast food meals

  • Alcohol

  • Other Tips:

  • Make your own nutritious lunch and take it to work. Youll save money and feel better too.

  • Buy veggies for snacks, such as small washed carrots or apple slices, which you can put into re-sealable bags and take to work.

  • Consider diet supplements for weight loss and health

    Despite our best efforts, it is hard to eat a balanced diet everyday. Consider taking one or more of the excellent vitamins and supplements available, but check with your doctor first before taking them.

    Today, you can get the latest high quality vitamins and dietary supplements at low prices and without leaving your home by ordering over the Internet. Here is an excellent example of a vitamins site.

    Avoid fad diets

    Use common sense and follow the advice of government health authorities, university nutritionists and other well-accredited health care experts. Reliable nutrition advice is available free by contacting your local health department and talking with a nutritionist.

    Be wary of the latest Fad Diets put forward by authors. Healthy eating is not rocket scienceyou need to eat a balanced diet that includes the four food groups:

  • Vegetablesthree or more servings per day

  • Whole grainsfive or more servings per day

  • Fruitthree of more servings per day

  • Legumestwo or more servings per day
  • This is well documented by decades of research. Sure, the fad diets may help you lose weight temporarily but at worst you could seriously damage your health and at best, you will likely gain the weight back if the diet is not sensible and sustainable.

    Get more exercise

    The second key to losing weight is to add more physical exercise into your lifestyle.

    Exercise takes some effort and time, so it is fair to ask why you should bother. The key reasons include the following:

  • Weight loss

  • Reduced risk of heart disease and stroke

  • Increased energy

  • Increased bone strength

  • Maintenance of muscle mass

  • Reduced stress levels

  • Better appearance
  • Research continues to show that any exercise is better than none. For example, regular walking or gardening may be beneficial in reducing your risk of heart disease.


    At a minimum you should strive for at least three 20-minute bouts of continuous aerobic (activity requiring oxygen) rhythmic exercise each week.

    Other exercise levels will depend on your physical condition and goals. Consider a session or two with a certified personal trainer to accurately assess your current physical condition and plan an exercise regimen.

    Easy ways for non-athletes to add exercise to their daily lives:

  • Get off the bus a stop or two early and walk to work or home.

  • If you drive to work, park in a new location and walk a few blocks.

  • Take the stairs at work. Get off the elevator a few floors down and walk up a few flights.

  • Ride a bicycleyou dont need a fancy bike, but you should always wear a helmet

  • Walkits cheap and it works! The average person can walk three to four miles an hour. This makes many short trips to the store within walking distance, saving you money on gasoline and providing a health benefit at the same time.

  • Try gardeningraking, weeding, and tilling will all give you exercise. If you have a small, level yard, consider a push mower. These mowers are quiet, cut the lawn beautifully, and give you exercise all at the same time.

  • Enlist a friend to join youhave fun together and stay motivated

  • Consider creating a home gym

    More and more people are purchasing exercise equipment to use at home. The advantages include:

  • No wasted time traveling back and forth to the gym

  • Ability to use the equipment more often and at more convenient times

  • Increased chance of participation by all family members
  • Here are some tips in selecting equipment:

    Determine what goals you want to pursuestrength training, aerobic training or cardiovascular training before you look at equipment.
    Buy sturdy, quality equipment from known manufacturers.
    Purchase equipment that will meet your needs now and as you improve
    Buy from a reputable retailer, who has a large selection, low prices, and stands behind their products. For an excellent example for home gyms (click here) and other fitness equipment.

    Reduce Stress

    The good news is that by eating a healthier diet and exercising more frequently, you will have already taken two of the most important steps to helping your body fight stress.

    Obviously sources of stress are a personal matter. Be alert to chronic stress you have trouble managing. This can sometimes lead to more serious conditions for both men and women, such as depression. If you feel you are having trouble coping, it is best to talk with your doctor.

    If on the other hand, you have the everyday level of stress most of us face, you may want to try these stress-reducing tips:

  • Make time for family and friends

  • Avoid stressful thoughts by not listening or watching the news first thing in the morning and last thing at night

  • Try listening to music or practicing meditation

  • Take vitamins B6 and B12they are excellent for fighting the effects of stress and most adults dont get enough of these important vitamins.

  • How can I get started on a healthier lifestyle?

    If you are not living as healthy a life as you want right now, you may be wondering how you will find the time and the resources to make changes.

    The good news is you dont have to make all the changes at once, but do resolve to make some improvements. Time is always an issue, but time taken to improve your health will yield big improvements in many other areas of your life.

    There has never been a better time to start, because thanks to the Internet you can purchase quality heath care products and equipment, quickly and efficiently and save money too! Heres a link to get you started with weight loss programs and healthy living.

    When you watch TV or read magazines you get the impression that most people spend their days as lean, mean exercise fanatics who compete in triathlons, eat tofu, and drink a gallon of rain water a day.

    If you dont fit this profile, you are not alone. Consider:

  • Seven out of 10 American adults don't exercise regularly, despite the proven health benefits, according to a 2002 study based on more than 68,000 interviews for the National Center for Health Statistics.

  • 80 percent of people in the US older than 25 are overweight based on the body mass index (BMI), a national guideline computed through a combination of weight and heightaccording to a Harris Poll released in 2002.

  • According to the American National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (CDC), in 2000 the most common actual causes of death in the United States were tobacco (435,000), poor diet and physical inactivity (400,000), alcohol consumption (85,000).
  • The writing is on the wall poor diet and physical inactivity is about as dangerous as smoking.

    So, why dont we exercise and eat right?

    For most of us, the answer is: time. Exercise and diet take time away from our work, our families, our lives.

    Some of us have tried to fit exercise into our daily routines before and maybe even stuck with a program for a while, but finally saw too little gain for the effort and time it took.

    Heres the good news: a healthy lifestyle wont consume you like it might have years ago. The science of healthy living has come a long way in recent years. Consider:

  • Modest but regular exercise has proven to raise the bodys metabolic rate, so that you burn fat even when at rest.

  • New strategies of exercise and diet bring results much sooner than ever before, without drugs.

  • A healthy lifestyle isnt only about working out and cutting out foods you like. Its also about applying a balanced approach to all areas of your life. For example, studies show that you can lose weight by simply watching less television.

  • Realistic health improvement for real people

    We all know we should take better care of ourselves, but modern lifestyles with hectic work schedules, commuting, and family and social responsibilities make it difficult for us to live a healthy life.

    But you can begin to live a healthier life. You can start slowly and work in more healthy practices. Interestingly, even small changes can lead to big improvements over time. Begin modestly by making a commitment to starting to do something and to stay with it. As you proceed, remember to be proud of your accomplishmentsyou will be doing more than 70 percent of the population!

    The doctor will see you now

    Before embarking on a fitness program and making dietary changes, talk with your doctor about your plans. If you have prior health conditions, especially cardiovascular disease, your doctor may want you to avoid certain exercises. If you are on certain medications, your doctor may give you valuable information on avoiding drug interactions with certain foods such as grapefruit and with some herbal supplements.

    A special word to smokers

    If you smoke, you know you need to quit. Modern research links smoking to a vast array of cancers, as well as heart and cardiovascular disease. According to the American Cancer Society, smoking alone causes one-third of all cancer deaths.

    The bottom lineif you are a smoker, stopping represents the single best health action you can take. Talk with your doctorthere are new treatments available.

    Some basic health objectives

    It can be hard to know where to start when you want to improve your health.

    Here are three baseline objectives for a healthier lifestyle:

  • Lose weight / Eat a more balanced diet

  • Get more exercise

  • Reduce stress

  • Lose weight / Eat a more balanced diet

    Qualified health professionals agree the keys to losing weight are to eat less, eat a more balanced diet, and to increase your exercise level. In general, reducing your intake of protein and eating more fruits and vegetables is a good start. Try and reduce your intake of saturated fats common in fried foods. Your heart will thank you.

    Here are some tips:

    Eat a diet that contains lots of:

  • Whole grains

  • Fruit

  • Vegetables

  • Ensure you are getting an adequate supply of:

  • Vitaminsa daily multi-vitamin is good protection

  • Calciummany men and women do not get enough calcium in their diets, putting them at risk for osteoporosis.

  • Watermany adults do not consume enough water each day

  • Reduce your consumption of:

  • Fat

  • Sugar

  • Salt

  • Processed foods

  • Fast food meals

  • Alcohol

  • Other Tips:

  • Make your own nutritious lunch and take it to work. Youll save money and feel better too.

  • Buy veggies for snacks, such as small washed carrots or apple slices, which you can put into re-sealable bags and take to work.

  • Consider diet supplements for weight loss and health

    Despite our best efforts, it is hard to eat a balanced diet everyday. Consider taking one or more of the excellent vitamins and supplements available, but check with your doctor first before taking them.

    Today, you can get the latest high quality vitamins and dietary supplements at low prices and without leaving your home by ordering over the Internet. Here is an excellent example of a vitamins site.

    Avoid fad diets

    Use common sense and follow the advice of government health authorities, university nutritionists and other well-accredited health care experts. Reliable nutrition advice is available free by contacting your local health department and talking with a nutritionist.

    Be wary of the latest Fad Diets put forward by authors. Healthy eating is not rocket scienceyou need to eat a balanced diet that includes the four food groups:

  • Vegetablesthree or more servings per day

  • Whole grainsfive or more servings per day

  • Fruitthree of more servings per day

  • Legumestwo or more servings per day
  • This is well documented by decades of research. Sure, the fad diets may help you lose weight temporarily but at worst you could seriously damage your health and at best, you will likely gain the weight back if the diet is not sensible and sustainable.

    Get more exercise

    The second key to losing weight is to add more physical exercise into your lifestyle.

    Exercise takes some effort and time, so it is fair to ask why you should bother. The key reasons include the following:

  • Weight loss

  • Reduced risk of heart disease and stroke

  • Increased energy

  • Increased bone strength

  • Maintenance of muscle mass

  • Reduced stress levels

  • Better appearance
  • Research continues to show that any exercise is better than none. For example, regular walking or gardening may be beneficial in reducing your risk of heart disease.


    At a minimum you should strive for at least three 20-minute bouts of continuous aerobic (activity requiring oxygen) rhythmic exercise each week.

    Other exercise levels will depend on your physical condition and goals. Consider a session or two with a certified personal trainer to accurately assess your current physical condition and plan an exercise regimen.

    Easy ways for non-athletes to add exercise to their daily lives:

  • Get off the bus a stop or two early and walk to work or home.

  • If you drive to work, park in a new location and walk a few blocks.

  • Take the stairs at work. Get off the elevator a few floors down and walk up a few flights.

  • Ride a bicycleyou dont need a fancy bike, but you should always wear a helmet

  • Walkits cheap and it works! The average person can walk three to four miles an hour. This makes many short trips to the store within walking distance, saving you money on gasoline and providing a health benefit at the same time.

  • Try gardeningraking, weeding, and tilling will all give you exercise. If you have a small, level yard, consider a push mower. These mowers are quiet, cut the lawn beautifully, and give you exercise all at the same time.

  • Enlist a friend to join youhave fun together and stay motivated

  • Consider creating a home gym

    More and more people are purchasing exercise equipment to use at home. The advantages include:

  • No wasted time traveling back and forth to the gym

  • Ability to use the equipment more often and at more convenient times

  • Increased chance of participation by all family members
  • Here are some tips in selecting equipment:

    Determine what goals you want to pursuestrength training, aerobic training or cardiovascular training before you look at equipment.
    Buy sturdy, quality equipment from known manufacturers.
    Purchase equipment that will meet your needs now and as you improve
    Buy from a reputable retailer, who has a large selection, low prices, and stands behind their products. For an excellent example for home gyms (click here) and other fitness equipment.

    Reduce Stress

    The good news is that by eating a healthier diet and exercising more frequently, you will have already taken two of the most important steps to helping your body fight stress.

    Obviously sources of stress are a personal matter. Be alert to chronic stress you have trouble managing. This can sometimes lead to more serious conditions for both men and women, such as depression. If you feel you are having trouble coping, it is best to talk with your doctor.

    If on the other hand, you have the everyday level of stress most of us face, you may want to try these stress-reducing tips:

  • Make time for family and friends

  • Avoid stressful thoughts by not listening or watching the news first thing in the morning and last thing at night

  • Try listening to music or practicing meditation

  • Take vitamins B6 and B12they are excellent for fighting the effects of stress and most adults dont get enough of these important vitamins.

  • How can I get started on a healthier lifestyle?

    If you are not living as healthy a life as you want right now, you may be wondering how you will find the time and the resources to make changes.

    The good news is you dont have to make all the changes at once, but do resolve to make some improvements. Time is always an issue, but time taken to improve your health will yield big improvements in many other areas of your life.

    There has never been a better time to start, because thanks to the Internet you can purchase quality heath care products and equipment, quickly and efficiently and save money too! Heres a link to get you started with weight loss programs and healthy living.


    Colin McDougall is a successful freelance writer providing valuable advice for people seeking weight loss programs and vitamins. Visit and for more articles. He also offers other health and exercise related sites such as and His numerous articles offer several healthy living tips.

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