Raw Cacao Nibs Reviews and info
Bee pollen is one of the most nutritious substances in the world and is known for its many health-bolstering benefits. It is no surprise that organic bee pollen granules are any different in its effects. It is not only harvested in an area that is free from pollution, and in large part, minimal population, so that bee pollen granules can offer the consumer the best quality product with the highest content of nutritional ingredients.
Bee pollen is known to man as the perfect food as it contains all of the vitamins known to man as well as many trace minerals, essential fatty acids, as well as that elusive B 12 vitamin. Even that is a component of bee pollen granules that is responsible for boosting energy levels in a human body.
Organic bee pollen granules can be best defined as the pollen collected by bees as they go from flower to flower collecting this precious dust and whisk it back to the hive. As the bees enter the hive to offer the pollen to the colony, scientifically designed pollen traps gently brush off sixty percent of the pollen that the bee is carrying. Organic bee pollen granules are created in this very way with the exception that after the worker bees collect the pollen, it is then injected with a special enzyme blend and that combined with the nectar from the flowers on the bee?s body and legs, creates an organic bee pollen granule.
All of this process is done in an atmosphere that is completely free of fertilizers and pesticides as well as away from pollution and population. It is essential that organic bee pollen granules are harvested in such a way to ensure a high quality product.
Once the bee gets its share of pollen in the hive, the bees that work inside the hive process it and make food for the colony as well as other products. One of the derivatives of the bee pollen product is called Propolis and it is used to provide a sterilization effect inside the hive before the queen lays eggs.
Bee pollen Propolis is shown to have many antibacterial effects and like organic bee pollen granules, is a high quality product. The bees in the hive can naturally preserve and maintain the freshness of the bee pollen and products they make in the hive by lowering the moisture content. It is by this process that organic bee pollen granules are produced completely free of chemicals, harvested in a clean environment, and retaining its nutrition value to the consumer.
The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across - http://www.bee-health-product.com We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels. We highly recommend you learn more on our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information. Jean Helmet is one of the main editors for a series of nutrition sites. Check out our Bee supplement source, for further information on pollen. |
Exploring Maine
Wed, 03 Sep 2008 13:06:33 EDT
... wrist the next time you are there and you will find a custom One Lucky Duck piece complete with the duck logo and cacao nibs that Jenny made for her. ... Even sitting here in Canada preparing to speak at the Simply Raw Festival, I can’t...
Reviews of Raw Cacao NibsSuperfoods
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