Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Nutrition discussion

Alfalfa PowderNutraceuticals World - RFI launches new platform, enters Overseal partnership.(Industry News)(RFI Ingredients)(Overseal Foods)(Brief Article)

Sat, 01 May 2004 07:00:00 GMT
May 1, 2004 -- As a result of a strategic reorganization, RFI Ingredients, Blauvelt, NY, has developed a new focus for its food, functional food and dietary...

Prepared Foods - Chlorophyllin in citrus juices - Abstracts - Freeman Industries - Brief Article

Tue, 01 Oct 2002 07:00:00 GMT
October 1, 2002 -- Sodium copper chlorophyllin from alfalfa has been approved by the FDA for use as a colorant in powdered citrus juices. Freeman Industries LLC has...


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